Tuesday, July 28, 2009

...garden update, 4.1

we've had some hot, windy days...
but I'm pretty sure that this is spider mite...

something is desiccating &/or eating the beans...

and it's pervasive...and quick spreading...
as this tower was green & healthy just days ago...
so this is NOT a good year for beans...

the critters have spread to the eggplant as well...
not hurting the maturing fruits...
but keeping new blossoms from setting...
just as it has in the beans...

damage is also visible in the tomatoes...
although some of the chewing damage is from various worms...
as attested to by holes in fruit & droppings...
there also seems to be some leaf desiccation...

I should have some sulphur powder in the garage...
that should take care of the problem on the tomatoes...

the peppers don't show any trauma...
but only one has set...

the cherry tomatoes don't have that problem...

the vines are full of immature fruits...

as well as all colors ripening...

even the "yellow pear" have set...

but the real "good news"...?
there are lots of heirlooms setting...

these are "Mr. Stripey"...

I think this is "tangerine"...

these are "pink Caspian" & "Brandywines"...
it's been several years since I had such a nice tomato crop...
and I'm looking forward to it...

I've had to be careful with watering...
as my bill was HUGE for June...
July was somewhat less, because I cut back...
but I'm really trying to stay on top of it...
as July was still too much...

spending too much on watering...
sort of defeats part of the purpose of gardening...
at least there is the perk of the smell of warm tomato plants...

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