for more than a week now...
I have a few moments where the fever goes away...
and I begin to feel almost human again...
but because I live alone, these moments are often filled...
with efforts to clean or cook or do chores...
generally causing a relapse...
and sometimes, because "life goes on"...
I end up trying to get things done...
even when I don't feel good...
Saturday was such a day...
since most of anything I could keep down...
had already been consumed...
I had to go to the store...
by the time I got home, I was sweating...
weak, headachy & queasy...
I had just gotten the last bag inside from the car...
when a sound like marbles hitting a tin roof...
caught my attention...
as the din crescendoed...
I grabbed my camera...& went out on the front porch...
it was a passing hailstorm...
finding a still picture unequal to the occasion...
I switched to the movie mode...
shortly after I stopped filming, it passed on...
not even leaving piles of hailstones...
so I was glad I caught it when I did...
I'm also really grateful that I was home...
& had all my groceries inside when it "hit"...
I'm glad you were safe and in the dry when the hail started. I wondered if it damaged your car - I have seen some terrible auto body damage from hail storms - roofs that are dimpled like a golf ball. Hope your car is OK. Are you still trying to take it easy? Do the minimum - keep the kitties and Molly and you fed and tended - and let the house alone. It will be there when you feel like working again.
hi Calico...
I think I'm on the mend...
I'm just doing the minimum though...
the hail stones were very small, BB sized, & melted on they didn't do any damage to my car...though I'm sure that many flowering plants are some the worse for wear...
today I've done laundry...kind of passive... tomorrow is an "off" day so I'll try to get through the trash, cat boxes & dishes...
perhaps even cook a little...
today I ran a couple of errands & bought a couple of Quiznos sandwiches on the way home...
one was lunch, the other will be dinner...
the really good news...
so far no stomach cramps or "other" gastric distress... 1st time in a week... & no headache either...!
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