Tuesday, March 17, 2009

...I hate being sick

I'd been complaining about a headache for several days...
then last Friday, I began to feel achy in my joints...
being a bit "slow" to recognize the onset of some illness...
I soldiered on through Sunday...
[griping all the way & becoming grouchier by the hour...]

by the time I got home Sunday night after a rehearsal...
my stomach felt really weird, so I ate some toast...


all night long I had terrible stomach cramps...
and woke up Monday in a feverish sweat...
my head just throbbing and my insides...
twisting around...

so I slept...all day...in a fever dream laced haze...

by early evening, after drinking what felt like gallons of water...
I felt a little better...the fever seemed gone...

so today I dragged myself out of bed...
with almost no real sleep...
'cause just like on Saturday night, I couldn't get to sleep...
and stay that way...

only dozing, waking up after only a few minutes at a time...
being unable to find a comfortable position...
then too hot... then too cold...
and so it went all night...

my stomach upset seemingly over...
I rushed to make my orthopaedist appointment...
[more on that later...]
then the Bible study/mass at church...

I came home, ate something...
finally being assured that my stomach was "normal" again...
and lay down for a nap...

I woke up at 7 PM...ate something else...
and am going back to bed now...

I'm supposed to make soup for the church supper tomorrow...
I don't think I'm contagious anymore, but we'll see...

since I felt so crappy most of last week...
especially from Thursday on...
I'm hoping this is just about over...

I guess it's going around...
and I hope it's out of here...


The Calico Quilter said...

Hope you're better today. These flulike virus things are getting worse and worse. And more prevalent. It might be a good idea to beg off your obligations for a day or two more and let yourself recover completely. It never helps to rush back into the fray, so please don't push yourself. People will understand.

It's also hard to tell when you're no longer contagious. It happened all the time when I was working - people would be out sick and come back in saying "I'm almost well now" - and then the whole office would be sick.

Do you carry waterless hand cleaner with you when you go out? I know this sounds very obsessive-compulsive, but I have done it for over two years, and faithfully use it to clean my hands after leaving anyplace, grocery or doctor (especially doctor!) or library or whatever, and I have not been sick once. You can get those little bottles of the foaming stuff that dries very quickly and isn't sticky like the older brands. It's easy to use, quick, and may keep you from picking up a bug. We swear by it.

catsinger said...

...thanks for the good thoughts & tip...
I'm NOT making soup tonight & sleeping most of today...