Friday, March 19, 2010

...can spring be far away ?

the leaves are just beginning to come out...
so you can still see all the mistletoe...
but not for long...

the Valey oaks that lose their leaves are showing green...

citrus trees, like this street-side grapefruit are heavy with fruit...
most of which will fall, rotting to the ground...

the apple tree is having it's first spring,"in the ground"...
it'll be a few years before there is fruit...

this vine is leafing out...

but what at first glance appears to be leaves on this Japanese maple...
are really seeds, ready for their helicopter flight in hopes of sprouting...

here's a close-up of the small, helicopter-like leaves on the seeds...

and here, one has sprouted in the crack of a sidewalk...
it won't survive the dry times...
I would transplant it if I could get enough of the root up from the ground...
I transplant ones from my backyard all the time...
they have long roots & if you don't get enough of the root, they just die...

these wildflowers [weeds] are snuggling-up to the foot of this sycamore tree...

and neighborhood kitties are soaking-up all the sun they can...
[this one followed me until she found this sunny spot...]

my weeping cherry tree is even just beginning it's blooming time...

but in the distance, more clouds loom...
reminding me that "March came in like a lamb..."
so we can probably expect her to,"go out like a lion..."
[note: the square building behind the trees...
is a grain elevator at the "port*"...
usually NOT visible at all...]

*FYI:the "port" of Mudville connects directly to SF Bay...
Mudville is the nation's most inland deep-water seaport...
with sea-going barges making port often...
even an occasional wayward sea lion...

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