it was after 4 PM yesterday afternoon...
as I drove home from the church...
through the bright fall sunshine...
the sun was quickly dropping low in the west...
towards the end of the 2 mile journey...
I headed west, towards the park...
under a canopy of red, orange & yellow leaves...
with the setting sun turning them into translucent art pieces...
at the park, as I turned onto my street...
the sun's declining rays were creating an irresistible glow...
so as soon as I had parked in my driveway...
I got out my camera and gimped back down to the park...
by the time I got there...
the moment of splendor had passed...
though I did catch this glimpse of the setting sun...
as fishermen and wanderers passed by on their way home...
hurrying now, since the lowering sun and lessening of light...
were turning the deepening gloaming, rather chill...
I walked back home, hoping that I had captured at least a bit...
of the glory I had reveled in all the way home...
knowing that tonight, a storm is coming...
and the bright celebrations of autumn will be too soon gone...
I've been re-reading my posts from last year at this time...
I was so worried about Mack, who was at death's door...
He's completely recovered now...
thanks to the many prayers for his recovery...
but I mentioned Gracie, who would be gone so suddenly in December...
and Frickie, Creamer & Mattie who have also now gone ahead...
deepening the sense of loss and bungled chances...
emphasizing just how quickly our circumstances can change...
and how, much of that which concerns me now...
was not even on my mind then...
it makes me wonder what each new day will bring...
November 25, the day before Thanksgiving this year...
is not only Molly's 3rd birthday...
but also the 2nd anniversary of the beginning of a new life for me...
a life of trust... & change at my most basic level...
much of which is still in the messy, "construction" phase...
and not always pleasant to be around...
where I'm seemingly called to believe, utterly...
to have no other source than Him...
to "rest"... and "wait"... and "trust"...
in His saving power & provision...
no fear for the future... or anything in it...
only rest, trust & courage...
not an easy self to become...
but He's promised to see me through...
"...the Lord giveth, the Lord takest away...
Blessed be the Name of the Lord..."
God IS good... ALL the time...
Beautiful picture...lovely sentiments...incredible truth!
...thanks...this fall isn't as spectacular as last year, but my "click-click fever" has spiked once again...
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