Wednesday, October 14, 2009's hoping [again...]

in my search for a job, I've often perused the library website...
at my alma mater, VOPriced University...
I worked there before the school district...
5 years supervising the music library...

but my searches have been fruitless...
until this afternoon...

it would appear that there are 2 part-time jobs available...
both requiring my level of experience & training...
both dealing with nights & weekends...

so I've spent the better part of 6 hours now...
downloading the various application forms...
filling one out on my computer[ALL 6 PAGES...]
only to discover that the i-Works sample I was using to open it...
wouldn't save it or print it...

so I had to stop and install the i-Works '09 I just got...
then fill-out the 6 pages again...
[education, work history & references...]
then I used spell-check & printed 2 copies...
[I should have been suspicious when it showed perfect spelling...]

of course, the printer, which is in the other room...
ran out of paper, so I had to run back & forth...
then the "personal data" form...
[gender & race info...]

then I discovered several spelling errors...
and after correcting them, had to print it all again...

then came the envelopes...

one application had to go to HR, one to the Library...

since I was flying by the seat of my pants...
with both the new software AND printer...
and since I've never printed envelopes before...
I was quite pleased that after it took forever to figure out HOW to use the template...
I only ruined 2 envelopes trying to print them...
[one was backwards, one was offset...
then I put one in the wrong tray & nothing happened...
and did I mention that the printer & computer...
are NOT in the same zip code ?]

so now I have my 2 missives, weighed & sealed...
I only have to go home, secure stamps to them...
and take them to the WL Post Office which has mail going out, all night...

all this to send these less than a mile from my home...

and so I wait, again...
and hope, still...

rejoicing because God is good, all the time...

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