they are,"cats singing"...
and have been doing so for a couple of years in my backyard...
and today, is my 2nd Blogoversary...
these past two years have seen much happen in my life...
and in the lives of those I care about...
I've said the last earthly farewell to several feline friends...
Tippy, Rob, Frick, Gracie, Creamer and sweet Mattie...
we've been joined by Molly, whose presence has brought joy & love...
as well as a number of "learning" situations for me...
the LR & DR have been cleaned & painted...
the bathroom, rebuilt and the office is "under construction"...
I've made some friends, learned a lot about myself...
celebrated good days of personal victory...
and faced bad days of personal failure...
and, of course, am not at all "finished" yet...
so here's a word of thank you...
to all of you who've touched my life through this blog...
for the kindnesses, the prayers and the "putting-up with"...
the triumphs, failures and dreams shared...
may God richly bless us all...
and give us the grace to stay the course...
and finish the race...
God is good, all the time...
Catsinger...HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! I have so enjoyed your pictures, your stories and your willingness to share your heart! So THANK YOU for creating and continuing this Blog. I truly feel as though I have been on a journey with you and look forward to see where the course will take you as you venture to that ultimate "finish line." You have touched my life in a profound way. God bless!
Oct 28th will be two years for me and it's amazing that the years have flown by so quickly.
I have so enjoyed your blog, and am glad that I found it. Thank you for sharing your photos and your life with us.
...welcome Teena and many thanks to you,M&CM & Calico for your kind words and continued visits...
I hope that I will continue to be able to blog about life here in Mudville...
thanks again to all who read along...
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