I attacked the garden prep today...
I didn't get started as early as I had wanted to...
but that's another post...
the first thing I attempted to do...
was to "fix"...the whirlygig...
that had been ravaged...
by the winter storms...
I tried superglue...
but it didn't work on the ripped cloth wings...
I guess I'm going to have to get some cloth glue...
but it's up & working for now, tattered wings & all...
then I turned my attention to the task at hand...
weeds to pull [birdseed, milkweed, Johnson grass...]
& old black fencing to move...
as well as stacked tomato cages...
and the little plot where cherry tomatoes...
have flourished in the past needed weeding,etc...
so I got busy, & before too long...
the weeds were gone...
the fencing & cages were moved...
and the hose had been pulled up & taken out...
then it was time for my cultivating tool of choice...
"the CLAW"
[actually, first I took a break...
& went to Port Mudville Nursery...
to get some soil amendments...
as well as a few more plants(more on that later...)
most is going to be delivered tomorrow...
I brought this one home with me to use today...]
so after cultivating the soil...
I added the compost & Morcrop, mixing well...
reburied the dripping hose...
put the stakes in the bean box...
[as well as raising the repaired whirygig...]
then, I planted/staked/caged the four cherry tomatoes...
including a "black cherry" heirloom I got at PMN...
as well as the 3 I got at OSH...
["sweet 100","sugar sweet" & "yellow pear"...]
and then turned my attention to the "Blue Lake" pole beans...
and soon had them planted next to the stakes...
[string goes up tomorrow...]
leaving me with a big pile of weeds & trash...
a very sore body & a satisfied feeling of accomplishment...
here you see a view of both...
the planted cherry tomatoes & pole beans...
[I left the "drip" on since all the recent heat & wind...
has really dried out the ground...]
and the next project ?
[after I mow the lawn, that is...]
You gardening fool, you! That looks great. I'm with you about the "Claw". Love it, love it, love it. Nothing else will cope with the red clay of the southeast. We were discussing garden plots yesterday on the way home from the grocery. We decided: PRO: real vegetables with real taste; CON: backbreaking work that I would have to do alone, along with a flood of veggies all at one time, and we don't have the apparatus (or skills) to can them. We could freeze stuff, we have a freezer out in the garage, but how much could two people eat? We'll probably just continue our "bucket gardening" in the large pots for now. And it's time to plant - dinner guests today, but tomorrow - nursery here I come.
...our ground here is also clay, adobe...so it "amend or waste your time..."
I'm going back to the nursery now for a couple of more "heirlooms"...
even if I only get one or two fruit,
they taste SO good, it's worth it...
watch for an up-coming heirloom tomato post :D
BTW...I'm really sore today...:P
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