Wednesday, June 23, 2010

...keeping my eyes "on the prize"

the last day or so, I've been told to keep my eyes on my goal...
but also to look around at all that has been accomplished...
because if I focus only on the effort of each step...
as important as that might be, as I traverse this rough terrain...

I won't see the wonders unfolding all around me...
nor will I appreciate the journey...

so trusting in the sureness of my path...
I've been looking up more...
and noticed some interesting things...
like the way my path can change direction if I'm listening...
avoiding an obstacle I might miss if I hadn't looked up...

how sometimes, I seem to be on a path shared by others...
and can follow other people's lead...

and sometimes, not...
at least as far as I can see...
so I must trust completely in the voice that guides me...

which gives a new meaning to "blooming where you're planted"...

and the message that "delay is not denial"...
reminds me of the beauty that can unfold...
with the fullness of time...
and the goodness of God...

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