Tuesday, May 6, 2008

...living the # 3, 4 & 5 lanes

I don't have a clue what's next...
I know that, unlike this picture...
I can't "work around"...
the obstacles in my path...

that's "point 3"...
to NOT attempt to "wriggle out"
of the situation...
until you have
learned the lesson...
solved the problem...
or corrected your "way", to His...

so... here I am...
looking down a long hallway...
lots of doors...
but at this moment...
all are closed...

I am aware of what God is working on
in my self...the self He's transforming....
I'm just not sure what to DO myself...
and I SO don't want to waste
any more of my life...
being someone that He
can't or won't put into His plan for me
because I am not yet ready or able...

and He will not ...
put me into a position to fail... or fall...

I am being drawn into the light...
but I'm told to "rest in Him"...
"you live in eternity..."
every good thing is "done"...
while resting in Him...
my only task is to rest...
and trust Him...
and He will do it all...

not an easy charge for a "hands-on" girl...
but, perhaps that's why I've been here...
[ lanes 3, 4 & 5 ....] for so long...

if I can just "let Him have His perfect way"...
without interference from me...
I'll finally see "my exit" ...
and get off this "looping" road...

as I look back ...
towards where I've come from...
I see all the twists and turns...
going around in circles...

making little progress upward...
compared to the amount
of ground covered...
by constantly backtracking...

until very recently....

many of my former "issues" are gone...
but some return with any stress...
and I'm constantly battling "fear"...
"the sense of failure" and "incomplete forgiveness"...

so I have to just let Him have it all...
"surrender"... joyfully...
"surrender", none the less....

before ...I would have tried to
"solve the puzzle"...
"figure it out"...

now... I will try to
"do nothing..."
without His guidance...

rest in Him...
and wait...

for Him to let me know
His way...

and that way...

will be straight...
and very clear...

God Is Good, Indeed....!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes He is! Hang in there, He isn't finished with us yet.