Wednesday, May 7, 2008

...3rd generation "native", no less...

You Are 16% California

You are a bogus Californian. Go back to the East Coast.

I should have known that this quiz was "bogus"...
it should be titled, "How much a Fake-o So Cal status seeker are you ?"
if you don't believe me...look at the questions...
no one living north of Bakersfield would rate "high" on these questions...
unless they're a So Cal wanna be... or actually "high"...

the California I grew up in, as did BOTH of my parents...
and one grandparent...
was FAR different from any place the creators
of this quiz could ever know...

it wasn't crowded... the air was clean....
all kinds of people got along...for the most part...
and we never locked our doors... it was safe...

people worked hard... helped their neighbors out...
and pretty much "did the right thing...
because it was the right thing to do..."

we didn't have overcrowded prisons...
epidemic illiteracy... horrific drug use...
or gang violence...

so get a grip, quiz writers...
there are many people living in California...
even today... outside the 2 major metropolitan areas...
who are not a part of the "slick" So Cal party scene...

hard working people of every color and economic level,
who ARE Californians... just like when I grew up...
and not in the least bit "So Cal"....


Anonymous said...

Well, I received the same rating, and I lived in Stockton my entire life, until just recently. I guess if you cant remember if pot is illegal, you don't qualify. LOL

DearestDragonfly said...

Right on, Sistah!

I have a draft blogpost somewhere that relates to this subject - namely the inherent bogus-ness of online quizzes.

I'll bet you could create much more interesting ones.

unklephil said...

This "Ahia" boy managed to score 28%, probably only because I did party in Tijuana once. I agree that this thing is definitely slanted toward the bogus end of the state.