is providing for my furry family...
10 senior kitties & one, always hungry dog...
can ruin a budget very quickly...
so I was thrilled when Square Peg told me that some pet food...
had been given to our food pantry at the church...
[we sometimes get food from stores that go out of business...
which was the case with this pet food...]
most of the cans of cat food were dinged & dented...
but some of my herd's favorite flavors were there...
not to mention 2 large bags of quality dry food for Molly...
so I gratefully put them into my car & took them home...
[probably $10 worth of cat food, $30 worth of dry dog food...]
but that wasn't all...
the next morning at the DOK meeting as I shared that blessing with the DOK's...
one of them said that she had almost a "case" of canned cat food in her car...
her cat had just died & she was going to donate it to someone who could use it...
and could I, perhaps, use it for my kitties...
I gratefully accepted and after the meeting, we went out to move it into my car...
I couldn't believe it...
not only nearly 48 cans, but they were my kitties favorite flavors...
[the ones they're used to which won't upset their digestions...]
the kitties have been very pleased...
since these smaller cans give them more variety...
and their favorite flavors to boot...
I need to mix Molly's regular that's left with this new dry...
so she tolerates it without any problems...
of course, there's always something else...
yesterday, I had to take Mz Fluff to the vet...
the diarrhea was back & my pet pharmacy drawer was empty...
the vet's always amazed by how healthy Fluff is for 18+ years...
and he gave me some pills for her diarrhea...
["flagel" some extras to have on hand...]
as well as a container of Clavamox to have for kitty sniffles season...
as we were chatting, he set the Clavamox box down on the exam table...
with the flagel tablets, cut into quarters, in an envelope on top of the box...
Mz Fluff, who is NOT afraid of the vet at all...
was not amused that she was no longer the center of attention...
AND a bit pissed-off that he always finds her 1 remaining tooth, amusing...
was sitting with her back to us, flicking the tip of her tail...
choosing her moment, she flicked the envelope with her tail...
causing it to spin around on the top of the box...
which we both saw and were amazed by...
not deigning to repeat her "trick"...
she continued to sit with her back to us...
tail flicking every now & then...
so I began telling him how she gets my attention at home...
when she wants to be petted...
first she taps my arm with her paw...
if that doesn't get the desired response...
she taps again with 1 claw extended...
if I ignore that, then she taps with all claws extended...
and closes them on my arm if I ignore her again...
that generally draws blood... AND my attention...
so being a smart guy, the vet then started petting Fluff...
not wanting to see the claw trick, up close & personal...
which was all she wanted anyway...
and after some serious, Fluff appreciation by him...
she happily went back into the carrier for the trip home...
he always gives me a "VIP" discount[this time, it was $15 off...]
which was a good thing, since I had to bring in Piglet today...
her mouth lesions had returned, but a "depo" shot always works...
and lasts for months too...
I figure that the $ I had to spend at the vets...
was about equal to the cost of the food I received...
God is good... the kitties & Molly agree...
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